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Tag: 4WD

Planning an Overlanding Journey in Outback Australia

Planning an Overlanding Journey in Outback Australia

Overlanding: the only way to authentically experience Outback Australia. Overlanding is self-reliant travel in remote destinations where the journey is generally the principal goal of the trip. This means days spent forging your way through creek crossings, bumping along heavily corrugated dirt tracks and kicking up clouds of red bull dust. Evenings are spent setting up camp, cooking up a bush dinner and sleeping under the breathtaking night sky. Think the Outback is just a whole load of nothing? Think again. You…

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Exploring Australia’s Red Centre

Exploring Australia’s Red Centre

As an absolute dirtbag who actually enjoys being filthy, the idea of bumming around the dusty desert completely appealed to me. Add in the fact that there’s a load of really cool stuff to see, and the fact that the majority of the journey involved off-roading on isolated and remote dirt tracks, and you end up with my perfect road trip.   The Route The plan for this leg of our Red Centre adventure was left relatively open in order…

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